Tag Archives: my brother was arrested palmdale

Leave it to the Teams to Fight for a Win, Not the Fans


Sports games are supposed to be fun and exciting to watch. You root for your team to win and boo the other team. You go with friends and family to have a great time. So why do some people have to go and ruin the experience by getting into fights with other spectators? Most games […]

When April Fools’ Goes Wrong


April Fools’ is nearly here! For some people, it is a day of just trying to get by without being fooled. For others, this silly holiday is really like Christmas to them. They love to go all out and “get” people with their pranks. They can get pretty elaborate. Occasionally, some go too far and […]

What Does A Bail Bond Cosigner Do?

Applying for a bail bond means you need to meet a few qualifications. For one, whoever the bail bond is for needs to have actually been granted bail by the judge; sometimes the judge will deny bail, meaning that person cannot get a bail bond. Another qualification is the need for a cosigner, a person, […]