Category Archives: Lancaster Bail Bonds

All The Costs Of A DUI

Unless you work for the police, the DMV, or a car insurance company, it’s likely you don’t know how extensive the costs can be for even a first-offense DUI point. Fines: This can be a few hundred to a thousand dollars. Bail or a bail bond: This can be a few hundred dollars. Lawyers: If […]

What To Expect If You’re Arrested Out-Of-State

If you’re ever arrested out-of-state, depending on the crime/ reason, you might expect quite a headache of a trial case. The state in which you are arrested is the state in which you will stand trial. If you are a New Yorker and were arrested here in California, your trial will be held here in […]

The Best People To Ask For Help & Support: Your Parents

It should go without saying that the best people to ask for help and support in critical times are your parents. We know, you’re probably thinking you don’t want to burden your parents with your problems and you’re an adult now so you need to set yourself straight on your own. Honestly though? We want […]

This Is What You Need To Do If You’re Ever Pulled Over

If you’re ever pulled over, there some things you can and should do in order to protect your rights. These are standard procedures all citizens should do if they’re ever pulled over, whether they did something wrong or not, and even if you intend to be fully respectable and compliant with the police. Know the […]

No, A Bail Bond Cannot Get Your Convicted Loved One Out Of Jail

Yes it is true that the purpose of bail bonds is to get people out of jail. But that doesn’t include people who have already been convicted of crimes and are serving their sentences. Bail bonds are applicable for defendants who are still waiting for their trial; these defendants have not yet formally been found […]

Do You Know The Difference Between Bail And Bail Bond?

Don’t even think about what the holidays might be like for your recently-arrested loved one – bail them out of jail as soon as you possibly can. Now more than ever is family time and support more crucial. This holiday season will mean more to you all than years past. The fastest AND most affordable […]

If There Is Anyone Who Can Relate To You At This Moment, It’s Palmdale Bail Bond Store

Your loved one has been arrested and you truly don’t believe any of your friends can relate to how you’re feeling. They have never been in your situation before and as much as they want to help, they don’t know how to. They don’t know the answers to the pressing questions you have. You can […]

This Is When You’d Get Arrested For Jaywalking

Even though most people do it, it’s still illegal: jaywalking. There are a bunch of other such instances where it’s technically illegal to do something but people do it anyway and get away with it all the time. But this time, we’ll focus on jaywalking because the police, especially in Los Angeles, are cracking down […]

You Are More Influential Than You Know

You are more influential on others than you might think, especially when it comes to your children. There is good and bad in this. The good is that if you are able to maintain a healthy, safe, environment for your family, they will grow up well. You’re exposing your children to new places, new activities, […]

5 Laws You Probably Didn’t Know You’ve Broken Or Are Breaking

There are completely stupid and silly laws that you could, but probably never will, break (like herding 2,001 sheep in Hollywood) and then there are laws that you’ve probably broken multiple times by now, without even knowing it. Here are 5 of the latter which you might find surprising and interesting to read about: Connecting […]