Category Archives: Mojave Bail Bonds

An Example Of A False Report

It’s not very surprising, but instead disappointing, that there are people in prison who have been wrongly convicted of a crime. The person could be in prison because investigators were lazy, the jury was lazy or racist or sexist, the technology to test DNA and evidence was not as precise and accurate as it is […]

What Happens To A Bail Bond When Court Is Missed

When a person is released from jail on a bail bond, they are also making a promise to go to all the court dates they are required to go to. Going to court is a condition of their release. If there is a conflict, it is best to get the other event moved, not the […]

The Positivity Behind Bail Bonds

Most people tend to associate negative thoughts and feelings with bail bonds because it means that someone they love was arrested for a crime. The idea of associating positivity, relief, and care with bail bonds is at the very back of their minds, if at all. But these emotions should really manifest louder than negativity […]

Federal Vs. State Court: The Differences

There are different types of court, but here we focus on the Federal and State court systems. Most crimes are heard in state court. These are crimes we commonly, immediately think of (probably because we hear about them the most) such as arson, theft, rape, and murder, etc. These crimes are investigated by state agents […]

A Guide To Understanding Bail In Real Life

What you watch on television shows are never the full truth and full story. There just isn’t enough time to watch every detail of how bail bonds work because showing that is not as exciting to the viewer as the high speed police chase part of the show. So, to help you understand how bail […]

Admitting You’ve Been Arrested

Admitting to something so serious like getting arrested can be very hard to do but once you get it over with, you’ll find your uphill climb to be much easier. No matter what the crime you committed was, you always know there are certain people you can talk to openly. This revelation to them likely […]