Tag Archives: Valencia bail agents

Aggressive Is Good – In the Bail Bond Industry

California has its fair share of bail bonds companies. Hundreds, of thousands, of people are arrested each year for anything from unpaid late fees, to rowdy protesting, to murder. The majority of arrestees are granted bail and many opt to go the bail bond route, rather than posting bail alone. There are many bail bond […]

Millennials, Social Media, and Jail

Hey all you social media-loving millennials with quick-texting fingers! How thoughtful are you when it comes to posting content on your personal social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat? Are you as careful about posting content as you are about publishing private information like personal address and phone number online? Did you know […]

The Rights Of Arrested Individuals – Valencia Bail Bond Store

Just because someone commits a crime, gets caught, and gets arrested doesn’t mean they lose all their rights and become defenseless. Arrested individuals earn some rights to protect themselves during this time, especially when they are most vulnerable to the police. Two of the greatest rights an arrested individual has is: 1) The right to […]