Category Archives: Agua Dulce Bail Bonds

You Cannot Leave Your Gun Just Anywhere in Your Home

Grey’s Anatomy recently aired an episode where a young boy accidentally shot his friend because the two found a gun in the home; the gun belonged to one of the parents. No one ever intended any harm, but the gun was poorly stored at home. This episode prompted us to highlight California’s gun storage laws, […]

New California Smoking Laws You Should Know About

It is no secret that cigarette smoking is increasing among teens; not everyone obeys age limit laws. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration are constantly implementing new rules for smokers and the most recent ones focus on manufacturing, labeling and marketing, and not selling to those who are 20 or younger. The new rules apply […]

Save Your Summer, Do Not Get Arrested!

Summer is nearing and for college students, this is the best time of the year. No more lectures, no more all-nighters studying, and no more teachers. It is going to be all parties during the vacation. However, the fun has to have some boundaries, and the biggest boundary that we are talking about is the […]

Together, We are Stronger. Let Agua Dulce Bail Bond Store Help You

Our team here at Agua Dulce Bail Bond Store will be the first to reassure you that your son or daughter’s arrest will not destroy his or her entire future and career. Yes, it is very unfortunate that this happened, and at times, it may be a nuisance,but they are young.Your kids have a lot […]

Skate Away from the Freeway Challenge

Have you heard of the freeway challenge in California? This new challenge that is happening in Los Angeles has skateboarders riding their boards on freeways! Insane to you and us, but apparently less so for these skateboarders. Usually when the traffic is slow, a skateboarder will get out on the freeway to skate and do […]

It Is Time to Grow Up

Being stupid and careless is a part of growing up. Mom and Dad were always there to pick you up from detention, to wait up as you got home past curfew, and make sure you apologized to your classmate for being a bully, but those days are over. Now that you are an adult, your […]

How to Prepare for Your Court Appearance

Preparing for court, specifically as a defendant, can be very nerve-racking. It might seem like an odd comparison, but think of it like an interview. You need to appear professional and mature. You must be honest. You cannot let emotion overcome you. Here are some helpful pointers in preparing for your court date. ● You […]

Bail Bond Truths Revealed By Debunking Common Myths

A lot of what people understand about the bail bond industry, before ever finding out they will need a bail bond, is what they see on television.Even then, what they learn from television about bail bonds is very little, and certainly not the whole picture. We are here to spill some truths by debunking common […]