Category Archives: Agua Dulce Bail Bonds

Did You Hear about This Change to Kids Car Seats?

Did You Hear about This Change to Kids Car Seats?

Any experienced parent will tell you that kids need different kinds of car seats at different ages. As the child grows, they need different styles of car seats until they are finally big enough to sit in the seat without any additional device. For a long time, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended that children […]

How Cigarette’s Can Start a Fire

How Cigarette's Can Start a Fire

Every Californian knows that wildfires in the state are a pretty big deal. This is only reinforced by the fact that 2018 has been one of the worst years for wildfires in the state to date. This year, the Mendocino Complex Fire became the largest wildfire to ever burn across the state. The blaze scorched […]

Keeping Your Kids Safe in Stores

Keeping Your Kids Safe in Stores

It’s a parent’s nightmare, but according to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, approximately 800,000 children are reported missing every year. When broken down, this equates to about 2,000 children being each day. While most of these result in a happy ending, the initial number of children being reported missing is staggering. Kids […]

Should Cursing be Illegal?

Should Cursing be Illegal?

When it comes to cursing, there are those who feel the words are horrible and should never be spoken under any circumstances. Then there are those who swear like sailors and use the words in every single sentence possible. If you fall into that latter group, then you may want to avoid going to Myrtle […]

Prevent Bullies

Prevent Bullies

New year, same problem. It’s the start of a new school year, which means new classrooms and new friends. For some, it also means facing new bullies. Let’s join the nation and take a stand against bullying one child at a time. What better child to start with than your own? The new school year […]

Protect Yourself against Online Scammers

Protect Yourself against Online Scammers

With school back in session, emotions are high at the thought of a new year with new friends and new opportunities. There’s one lesson that won’t be taught in the classroom, but it’s an important one to keep in mind as you start the new school year – how to protect yourself against online scammers. […]

Handling a Cyberbully

Handling a Cyberbully

Bullying has always been a problem, but prior to the creation of the internet and social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, most bullying was done by someone the victim knew. That’s no longer the case. These days, you can be bullied by someone you’ve never met, who lives on the other side of the […]

5 Tips for Protecting Yourself While Enjoying Social Media

5 Tips for Protecting Yourself While Enjoying Social Media

Social media is a huge part of most of our lives. Thanks to social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter not only can we easily stay in touch with friends and family, but can also learn of community events, help develop a fledgling business, and more. The downside to social media is that it […]

Quick Guide to Fooling Police Radar

Quick Guide to Fooling Police Radar

Even though you’re in a hurry to get to your destination, you don’t want to get a speeding ticket. Not only does getting pulled over mean you’re even later getting to work, but there’s also the expense of the fine, plus the extra points on your driving record means your insurance premiums sky rocket. One […]

Skip the Zoot Suit While in Los Angeles

Skip the Zoot Suit While in Los Angeles

Zoot suits first became popular when they were donned by some of the biggest jazz musicians in the 1940’s. Once the performers started taking the stage in the bilious suits, people all over the country, including those that lived in Los Angeles, started looking for one of their very own. There was a brief period […]