Tag Archives: no down bail bonds in palmdale

The Right to Remain Silent

what are miranda rights

We’re all familiar with the Miranda Rights, which basically grants us the ability to not tell the police anything if we’re arrested. While we’ve heard thousands of television cops recite the famous words “you have the right to remain silent” few of us actually know what that means. The History of the Miranda Rights The […]

What Happens When the Police Knock on Your Door

what happens when police knock on your door

There is nothing quite as gut-wrenching as opening your front door and finding the police standing on the other side. They never bring good news. Experiencing a moment of panic and indecision when they ask to be let in is perfectly natural. Questions that will likely run through your mind at this point include: Do […]

The Legal Consequences of Public Fighting

fighting in public laws california

Street fighting, barroom brawls, and throwing a punch at a guy who steals your parking space. In the movies, these things never seem like a big deal. The worst thing that ever seems to happen to the characters who are involved in public fighting is that they spend a few hours in jail. Sadly, real-life […]

Strange Laws from California

bail bonds

When people think about laws, they often think about sensible rules that make sense. However, it is important to remember that laws are made by people, and this means that some real nonsense can be made into actual laws that govern the people. This is true of every country, state, and city. California is no […]

California Could Legalize Street Vendors across the State

California Could Legalize Street Vendors across the State

In many cities across the state of California, there are restrictions and laws against street side vendors. Many cities, such as Los Angeles, make it a criminal act to sell food without a license, which means any street vendor caught doing so could face jail time. Some people feel that this is too harsh of […]

Alcohol: Men Vs Women

Alcohol Men Vs Women

When it comes to processing alcohol, men and women are entirely different. Contrary to common belief, men and women of almost the same height and weight do not experience similar effects after consuming equal amounts of alcohol. Studies prove that women are more adversely affected by alcohol abuse. That makes it very necessary for women […]

What is Love?

What is Love

We, as a society, are obsessed with love. Love is everything, and is connected to the meaning of life, yet how do we define it? Places all over the world have different descriptions for it. Even in languages there are different meanings for the simple word. According to Google, love is an intense feeling of […]

Dating Apps Influence

Dating Apps Influence

In today’s modern and fast paced world it makes sense that we’ve started online dating and using dating apps. We used to write love letters, now we write witty text messages. Dating apps help get us out there. They’re a great way to let the digital world know that you’re ready to mingle. Unfortunately, dating […]

California’s 2018 Minimum Wage

California’s 2018 Minimum Wage

Well, it’s the start of a new year, and for Californians that means another increase in the state’s minimum wage. This increase was brought on by Governor Brown’s signing of SB 3 back in 2016. The bill made it so that at the start of each new year, the minimum wage would increase slightly until […]