Tag Archives: valencia bail bond process

What Happens if You’re Arrested Outside of California?


Here at Valencia Bail Bond Store, we have worked with so many people over our 30 years of experience. Most of the families we assist have only used our services that one time. However, every now and then we have had families come back for bail bond assistance a second or third time. No matter […]

Common Bail-Related Terms to Know


Understanding bail and bail bonds is like trying to understand a new language for most people. With professional help from Valencia Bail Bond Store, everything is clearer and makes more sense. Plus, bail is met sooner and smoother, with Valencia Bail Bond Store. Consultations are free, but if you want a head-start on understanding some […]

Superhero Parents Save the Day Once Again


Parents are forgiving, and their instinct is to always protect their young, even if their young are not really young anymore. They may have been extremely angry with you in the past, or you have seen them so upset that it makes you want to not tell them. However, deep down, they will never hate […]

What to Do When Your Loved One Is Arrested In Front of You


If you have faced the horror of bearing witness to your loved one’s arrest, you should not have to face the nightmares that follow that moment alone. Do not worry, Valencia Bail Bond Store knows all the right steps to lead you through the bail process as easily as possible. As soon as you learn […]

Aggressive Is Good – In the Bail Bond Industry

California has its fair share of bail bonds companies. Hundreds, of thousands, of people are arrested each year for anything from unpaid late fees, to rowdy protesting, to murder. The majority of arrestees are granted bail and many opt to go the bail bond route, rather than posting bail alone. There are many bail bond […]

Millennials, Social Media, and Jail

Hey all you social media-loving millennials with quick-texting fingers! How thoughtful are you when it comes to posting content on your personal social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat? Are you as careful about posting content as you are about publishing private information like personal address and phone number online? Did you know […]