Tag Archives: zero down bail bonds

What Are Bail Bonds For?

The purpose of a bail bond is to ensure a person’s release from jail, pre-trial, but also to ensure their appearance in court before the judge. In order to receive a bail bond, the defendant must first be granted bail; this comes from the judge during the arraignment hearing. Then, the defendant, or someone on […]

Bail Is Not Tax Deductible, Sorry

Although it might seem tax deductible because it’s a payment going to the government, bail is not tax deductible. Bail is a guarantee (like a bribe, essentially) to get a defendant to appear in court for a crime they are accused of committing. As long as the defendant is compliant with this and his or […]

Admitting You’ve Been Arrested

Admitting to something so serious like getting arrested can be very hard to do but once you get it over with, you’ll find your uphill climb to be much easier. No matter what the crime you committed was, you always know there are certain people you can talk to openly. This revelation to them likely […]

Pay For Your Bail Bond, Not Strained Relationships

Getting arrested is such a selfish thing to do. How many people are affected by one person’s arrest? Countless friends and family members.Some coworkers or peers.Tax-payers. So, practically everyone. Sure the one person who is arrested faces the scariest consequences and the toughest recovery period. But those closest to them also deal with consequences. They […]

How Your Bail Can Be Cheaper

It’s rare that a judge will lower a bail amount once it’s been set, but there are a couple of ways to know whether you have been given a high or low bail amount for the particular crime you committed: Criminal history. If you’ve never had a brush with the law prior to this incident, […]

If The Judge Grants You Bail, Post Bail. Don’t Worry About Your Income. We’ll Help With That.

Whether you make $500,000 per year or $50,000, if you have the have the option to post bail after getting arrested, you should do it. Right off the bat you think you can’t afford that expensive bail that the judge just set. But if you take the bail bond route, you will certainly be able […]

The Best Thing You Might Ever Do Is Turn Your Friend In To The Police

The best thing you might ever do for your best friend is to turn them in to the police. As drastic as it might sound, it could be the reason he or she really takes a look at how they are living their life and truly want to improve it. Getting arrested could be their […]

When You Need To Be The Parent To Your Parent, Palmdale Can Help

As your father, you expect him to be the one to give you growing up advice, giving you dating tips (or scaring off every boy or girl who wants to date you), lecture you about stuff you’ve forgotten, teach you sports and how to ride a bike, give you money, and to bring you home […]

What Palmdale Bail Bond Store Service Can Offer You

Palmdale Bail Bond Store Service is a family-owned company that serves the entire state of California. We have offices in every county but even if you lived hours away, you don’t need to make a trip to see us in order for us to help you out. We can do everything over the phone and […]

About The 8th Amendment And Bail

The 8th Amendment protects the people from excessive bail, yet bail still does seem excessive to pretty much everyone. $10,000, $25,000, $1 million to be released? Yes, this is pricey, but let’s look at this objectively. The judge looks at the following factors when deciding a bail amount: The likelihood the defendant will flee The […]