Category Archives: Lake Los Angeles Bail Bonds

Is it OK to Spank your Child in Public?

child abuse vs discipline

A parent’s job is not easy. Raising a child takes a lot of effort and time, and that is putting things mildly. Taking care of a child and raising him or her to be a functional adult is tough. It is even tougher when parents have to worry about whether or not what they are […]

Annoying Neighbors Getting to You?

Annoying Neighbors Getting to You?

When you move into your first house or apartment, you’re faced with new problems that you previously never considered before. Things like what kind of paper towels to buy, where to do laundry, how to do laundry, and many other adult tasks. When you decide on a first home, you mainly are focused on appearances. […]

According to California, You Can’t Go Here

According to California, You Can’t Go Here

California is at it again with some interesting laws. Sometimes you read headlines and you find yourself scratching your head thinking it can’t be true. Well, sometimes the truth is borderline crazy. Yes, California does actually have travel bans to various states in the nation. Who knew that states could ban each other? These travel […]

At What Age Can You Leave Your Child Alone

At What Age Can You Leave Your Child Alone

Every parent has been there. They need to quickly run into town for something such as a gallon of milk, an emergency dental appointment, or to pick up something from work. You don’t want to bring your child with you, but you’re not sure if you’re legally allowed to leave them at home. California’s Laws […]

Home Security While on Vacation

Home Security While on Vacation

Going on vacation is lots of fun but coming home and finding out that your house has been broken into isn’t. There are several things you can do to keep your home safe while you’re having a good time. Talk to Your Neighbors/Friends An abandoned house is one that attracts burglars. You want there to […]

Getting Involved in Neighborhood Watch

Getting Involved in Neighborhood Watch

Neighborhood Watch is becoming increasingly common in communities all over California, and it’s been a good thing. In most cases, the crime rate dropped significantly once the civilian program was put into place. Recent data released by the U.S Department of Justice reported that on the average, communities with an active an organized neighborhood watch […]

Fireworks and California

Fireworks and California

Fireworks are lots of fun. They’re a great way to entertain your friends and neighbors during get-togethers, but when you live in California there are some pretty strict rules about setting off fireworks in your backyard. Types of Fireworks California’s law makers have divided fireworks into two different types of categories. There are “safe and […]

Thinking About Dropping Your California Auto Insurance?

Thinking About Dropping Your California Auto Insurance?

Owning and driving a car in California is expensive. It’s natural to look at your monthly expenses and wonder if you really need car insurance. After all, it’s a huge chunk of your monthly expenses and the chances are good that you rarely need to use it. While canceling your auto insurance might make good […]

Your Vehicle Failed California’s Emission Test. Now What?

Your Vehicle Failed California’s Emission Test. Now What?

When it comes to vehicles and their annual emissions test, California doesn’t take failure lightly. Your vehicle has to pass the test in order to stay on the road. The idea is that not only does the strict emissions test help reduce smog, but it also keeps older vehicles that are in danger of falling […]

The Ins and Outs of Insurance Fraud in California

Bail information in Lancaster CA

Fraud is the word used when a person says something they know to be untrue for the specific reason of obtaining some sort of benefit. One of the most common forms of fraud in California is insurance fraud. There are Multiple Types of Insurance Fraud The State of California has authorized prosecutors to handle cases […]