Category Archives: Palmdale Bail Bond Store News

California To Raise Legal Smoking Age from 18 to 21

In quite the bold move, California lawmakers just recently voted to change the minimum age for smoking from 18 to 21. California is only the second state in the U.S. to move forward with this change; only Hawaii has made this change. California is the most populous state in America and such a substantial change […]

How You Could Change Your Parent’s Life For The Better

Not every family is the perfect family, right. Some families are broken, there is constant arguing, the home isn’t the healthiest environment, parents are not good role models for their children as they can be. Some children are greatly affected by this, others face this adversity and overcome it with their own determination. A child […]

Your Tax Return Can Help Pay For Bail

No matter how much or how little you are receiving for your tax return, any amount will help a bit of your financial burden in having to pay for a bail bond. Granted, bail bonds are already the more affordable method to bailing out of jail, but that still doesn’t mean bail bonds are cheap. […]

Any Jail, Any Time – Always Bail

No matter what California jail you are taken to, Palmdale Bail Bond Store can help bail you out, if you are eligible for bail after your arraignment hearing. No matter what day of the week it is, or what hour of the day it is, Palmdale Bail Bond Store will answer your online chat, phone […]

Lying Always Gets You In Trouble

Lying to the police and making a false report is a crime. Making a mistake by telling the police one thing, then remembering it’s another thing, is different and not a crime. For example, describing the getaway car as red when you definitely know it was white is lying and thus committing a crime. But […]

Acton Bail Bond Store Offers The Best And The Most

● 24/7 service and availability anywhere in California ● Numerous offices throughout California ● Personalized, affordable, low monthly rate payment plans ● Cash, credit and debit, checks are accepted ● Easy, convenient, and secure online payment system ● Licensed, professional, friendly, and understanding bail bond agents ● Secure online chat and hotline assistance ● Prompt […]

California’s Gun Laws And What They Mean To You

The purpose of gun laws is to regulate the use, sale, and possession of firearms. Each U.S. state may have different gun laws; California has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country. In terms of owning and selling guns in California: ● A person must be at least 18 to purchase a […]

Keep Up With Bail Bond Payments With Tax Returns

When you start doing your taxes, you will be asked that in the case you paid excess taxes in the previous year, would you like the balance to be refunded to you or applied to this coming year’s taxes. The pros to either might be obvious: ● If you choose to be refunded, you will […]

Bail Is An Option With Tax Money

Bail is ridiculously expensive, period. Most people won’t easily have enough money to post bail on their own. Even getting extra money back from the IRS during tax season won’t be enough money to bail out of jail. However, that extra tax return money might be enough to afford a bail bond from Lancaster Bail […]

You Need To “Interview” A Bail Bond Company First

When your freedom, or that of someone you love, is literally on the line, you of course are going to want to seek out the best help you could possibly receive. You need to get out of jail and you need someone who you can trust and rely on to help you achieve this. You […]