Tag Archives: Antelope Valley bail agents

Making Halloween Safe and Fun

Making Halloween Safe and Fun

The spookiest day of the year is creeping closer and closer. With Halloween right around the corner, many kids are preparing themselves for a sugary feast. Meanwhile, parents are doing everything that they can to keep this Halloween both fun, and safe. While Halloween is meant to be a scary holiday, it should be safe […]

Reckless Driving in Los Angeles and California

Reckless Driving in Los Angeles and California

Recently, a video surfaced of a group of cars taking over an intersection in South Los Angeles late one night. The video shows at least three separate vehicles doing doughnuts through the intersection at the same time. Meanwhile, spectators look on from the sidewalks, some dangerously close to the vehicles. To some people, this may […]

What is Bail and Why does it Exist?


Bail exists because it is unconstitutional to hold a person in jail for an unreasonable amount of time after their arrest, but before the declaration of guilt or innocence at the end of trial. Bail is the amount of money a person will owe to the court in order to be released from custody during […]

Can a Parent Give their Child Alcohol?


Like all states, the minimum age for drinking alcohol in California is 21. However, unlike other states, there are no exceptions to this rule in California. For example, some states allow minors to drink alcohol under the allowance and supervision of their parent or legal guardian, but this is not allowed in California. In California, […]

Cash Bail vs. Bail Bond: Which is Better for Your Situation?


Contrary to what some people may think, posting bail using a bail bond does not mean you do not have the funds to post bail in 100% cash. People who use bail bonds are not poorer, they merely see a bail bond as being more beneficial to them. Cash Bail If posting bail in 100% […]

Antelope Valley Bail Bond Store – A Team of Heroes


Heroes come unexpected and unannounced. They save the day when it seems like all hope is lost. Most often, heroes are fictional like Batman and Iron Man, but once in a while, they are real people helping you at your most desperate moments. Say you get a sudden, frightening phone call and learn that your […]

The Ultimate Law at Antelope Valley Bail Bond Store


The laws in California are constantly changing but the “law” for Antelope Valley Bail Bond Store does not. The law, or rule, at Antelope Valley Bail Bond Store has remained the same since our company’s inception 30 years ago: It is the mission of our company to provide each of our valued clients with fast, […]

About the New California Cell Phone Use and Driving Laws


New California laws banning the use of cellphones while driving have officially been put into place starting January 1, 2017. While such laws have already existed in California for some time now, the new laws expand on existing ones. The existing ones are outdated, having begun when smart phones were less advanced than today, and […]

Being Thankful for Family and Bail


The Christmas season is a time to be thankful. You have a ton of friends and family members surrounding you during this holiday season. You have a nice home. You have a steady job and your children are in good schools. Be thankful for all of that. These loving people are the ones you need […]

I’ll Be Home for Christmas


Tell your family that you will be home for Christmas and make sure you keep that promise. If you are going to need some help from Antelope Valley Bail Bond Store, we will be there for you. If you find yourself arrested, you will more than likely be eligible to post bail. The amount you […]