Tag Archives: palmdale bail agents

Leave it to the Teams to Fight for a Win, Not the Fans


Sports games are supposed to be fun and exciting to watch. You root for your team to win and boo the other team. You go with friends and family to have a great time. So why do some people have to go and ruin the experience by getting into fights with other spectators? Most games […]

Risking Driving in the Carpool Lane – Is it Worth It?


Carpool lanes in California are reserved for drivers who have at least 1 extra passenger in their vehicle. These lanes were created to relieve some traffic congestion. Often times, you will see the traffic in the carpool lane, or the high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane going faster than the other 3-6 lanes to the right […]

When April Fools’ Goes Wrong


April Fools’ is nearly here! For some people, it is a day of just trying to get by without being fooled. For others, this silly holiday is really like Christmas to them. They love to go all out and “get” people with their pranks. They can get pretty elaborate. Occasionally, some go too far and […]

Moral Obligation vs. Legal Obligation to Report a Crime


Some people believe that if they witness a crime, they must report it to the police; if they do not, they themselves are committing a crime. Actually though, in most cases, this is not true. A person may feel the moral obligation to report the crime, but they do not have a legal obligation to […]

Police Rely on Social Media


Because social media is such a huge part of social culture now, police departments are ramping up units and departments who are dedicated solely to scouring social media for dangers. Social media is where individuals, organizations, and companies, share their personal lives and thoughts. It is a major means of communication. It is meant to […]

Do the Police Need a Search Warrant for my Social Media?


You know that the police are looking at social media when they are investigating cases. What you may not know is whether they are allowed to do this with or without your consent or a warrant. So, here is what you should know: Content posted on public sites and accounts are considered evidence “in plain […]

How Juvenile and Adult Criminal Proceedings Differ


A parent whose child is arrested should know that juvenile court proceedings are not the same as adult proceedings. Juvenile Proceedings are less severe in that less people are involved, they are shorter, they involves less harsh consequences, and they ensure that the record is sealed once the juvenile turns 18. This is all done […]

If You Are Unfamiliar with DUI Checkpoints, This is What you Should Know


There is no doubt that St. Patrick’s Day has become a drinking holiday. This year, it falls on a Friday, which is an added plus for almost everyone who celebrates. No work the next day! This means people are more likely to stay at the bar until closing and consume an extra drink or two. […]

Can I Still be Charged for a Crime 10 Years Later?


If you committed some sort of illegal action some years ago, and continue to think about how you got away with it. If you worry that it is going to come back and haunt you one day, you should learn what ‘statute of limitations’ means. A statute of limitations refers to the time within which […]

The Golden State of California has its Share of Weirdness


There is no doubt that California is a pretty dang awesome state to live in. We have an entire coast on one side of our state and major attractions like the Redwood Forest, the Golden Gate Bridge, Hollywood, and Disneyland. We have great weather, delicious food, amazing wine, many sports teams, and beautiful people. We […]