Tag Archives: parents legal responsible about bullying

3 Signs That Your Child is being Victimized by a Bully

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Many of the kids who are returning to school this fall haven’t attended an actual school since March 2020. While this return is good in terms of reconnecting on a social level and regaining some normalcy, it also means that once again, parents are worried about bullies. A single bully can do an enormous amount […]

How Can We Get Rid of Bullying?

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Bullying in schools and online is a very important issue and topic of conversation. Just ask anyone, and they will tell you that bullying needs to be eradicated. Unfortunately, since this conversation still exists, bullying is still a thing. This is despite everyone’s insistence that it should be dealt with. Often times, the problem is […]

Are Parents Legally Responsible if Their Kid Is a Bully?

Are Parents Legally Responsible if Their Kid Is a Bully

Holding Parents Responsible for Their Child’s Bullying Without a doubt, parents have a duty to do their part to ensure that their kids do not bully others. They need to regularly remind their kids about the importance of treating others the way they would want to be treated. They should talk about how some things […]