Tag Archives: Valencia bail agents

The Penalties of Dog Fighting in California

The Penalties of Dog Fighting in California

When it comes to owning animals, people are supposed to treat the animal with the same respect that they would a human. If a person does not take care of an animal, then they can face animal abuse charges. Animal abuse on its own is pretty bad, but forcing an animal to fight another animal […]

The Dangers of Online Gaming

The Dangers of Online Gaming

Internet safety is always a big concern, especially for parents. You never know who your kids might be meeting online unless you pay close attention. Most parents know to warn their kids about talking to strangers that they met online on sites like Facebook. However, there is one avenue of online communication that often gets […]

Move Over or Slow Down

Move Over or Slow Down

Ask anyone, and they will tell you that driving on the freeway is not quite the same as driving on surface streets. On freeways, cars drive a lot faster and there is very little stop and go, unless of course there is a bit of traffic. Freeways are fast moving environments, and they are not […]

Is Your House Being Watched by Burglars?

Is Your House Being Watched by Burglars?

There are various stereotypes that surround the idea of someone breaking into your home. It could be that a masked stranger breaks into your home in the middle of the night and steals your personal belongings while you sleep. It could also be that the burglar wears all black and sneakily climbs through a window […]

The Patriot Guard Riders

Patriot Guard Riders in Valencia

As Veterans Day approaches, we begin to reflect on all of those who have served in the armed forces. People who serve in the military are men and women who are willing to risk everything they have to keep their country safe. It is thanks to these amazing people, that we are able to have […]

Stunts Gone Wrong

Valencia Bail Bond Store

The rise of YouTube has created several celebrities on the web. The site has made it possible for ordinary people to create their own fame. This has led to hundreds of thousands of people trying to climb their way to the top. Some of these people, attempt to do crazy or insane stunts to gain […]

What Happens if You’re Arrested Outside of California?


Here at Valencia Bail Bond Store, we have worked with so many people over our 30 years of experience. Most of the families we assist have only used our services that one time. However, every now and then we have had families come back for bail bond assistance a second or third time. No matter […]

Common Bail-Related Terms to Know


Understanding bail and bail bonds is like trying to understand a new language for most people. With professional help from Valencia Bail Bond Store, everything is clearer and makes more sense. Plus, bail is met sooner and smoother, with Valencia Bail Bond Store. Consultations are free, but if you want a head-start on understanding some […]

The Right to Bail is Yours


When someone is arrested, it is because they are being accused of doing something illegal. They broke the rules and need to be punished. It is easy to think that the odds are stacked against them, but this isn’t always true. After all, even arrestees and defendants have rights to protect themselves, and they have […]

Know Your Rights When You Are Arrested


Back in 1966, the Miranda Rights did not exist. That means the police were not required to tell arrestees that they had the right to a lawyer and the right to remain silent. Some defendants would confess to a crime they did not commit because they were simply tired of the questioning, which could have […]