Category Archives: Valencia Bail Bonds

California Limits Plastic Straws

California Limits Plastic Straws

A few years ago, the citizens of California voted to ban single-use plastic straws. At the time, the change was very controversial with many opponents of the bill upset at the loss of the flimsy plastic items. However, as time moved on, people adapted and got used to the new change. The success of this […]

Keeping Your Kids Safe in Stores

Keeping Your Kids Safe in Stores

It’s a parent’s nightmare, but according to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, approximately 800,000 children are reported missing every year. When broken down, this equates to about 2,000 children being each day. While most of these result in a happy ending, the initial number of children being reported missing is staggering. Kids […]

Protect Yourself When Online Shopping

how much is bail palmdale bail bondsman

When was the last time you bought something from a brick and mortar store? When was the last time you bought something from a website online? One of the many conveniences of the 21st century is the ability to shop and buy products from the comforts of your living room. You can quickly and easily […]

Is Your House Being Watched by Burglars?

Is Your House Being Watched by Burglars?

There are various stereotypes that surround the idea of someone breaking into your home. It could be that a masked stranger breaks into your home in the middle of the night and steals your personal belongings while you sleep. It could also be that the burglar wears all black and sneakily climbs through a window […]

The 3 Different Levels of Crimes

The 3 Different Levels of Crimes

When it comes to breaking the law, most people know they shouldn’t do that because if they do, they will face consequences. However, while people may understand this concept pretty easily, what they may not realize is that there are varying levels when it comes to breaking the law. Different crimes earn different consequences. This […]

Dealing with Pets and Forced Evacuations

Dealing with Pets and Forced Evacuations

For most of us, our pets are valued family members. We wouldn’t dream of leaving them in a dangerous situation, which means that if circumstances require that you evacuate your home, you want to bring your pet with you. Before doing so, you need to be aware of some unique challenges evacuating with pets brings […]

California’s Attitude Towards Illegally Obtained Evidence

California’s Attitude Towards Illegally Obtained Evidence

Most of us assume that the laws about what is and what isn’t legally obtained evidence to be black and white, however there are actually quite a few gray areas when it comes to illegally obtained evidence in California. One example of the murkiness surrounding how evidence is obtained is a police officer who happened […]

The Legal Ins and Outs of Hidden Cameras

The Legal Ins and Outs of Hidden Cameras

Hidden cameras have become a surprisingly popular thing in the United States. These days, it seems like nearly everyone has a hidden camera, frequently called a nanny cam, tucked into their house. The question is: are nanny cams legal. The answer isn’t as black and white as you may think. There are laws governing the […]

Surprising Ways Booze and Cars Don’t Mix

Surprising Ways Booze and Cars Don’t Mix

It’s a well-known fact that you’re not allowed to drive your car when you’re drunk, but there are a few laws that some people don’t know that prove booze and cars don’t mix. No Open Containers in the Car. Period! Even if you haven’t had a sip of booze, if there is an open container […]

Handicap Parking Laws

Handicap Parking Laws