Author Archives: crystal

What to Expect with the New Marijuana Laws of California


As you know, California passed Prop 64 last November, making marijuana usage legal in California. However, as you might expect, the prop is not that simple to follow. There are details and complexities written within the prop and forthcoming laws. There are regulations and concerns that must be addressed. Here is what you should know […]

Gambling Laws of California


Many types of gambling are illegal in California, but at least Las Vegas is not too far away! It is worth noting that not all forms of gambling are outlawed in California. Here are some ways gamblers can get their fix without having to leave California: Indian Casinos – These are similar to Vegas-style casinos […]

Is There a Legal Obligation to Report a Crime as a Witness?


There was a recent incident involving rape, Facebook, and what did or did not happen after the fact. An adolescent Chicago girl was raped by 5 or 6 males and the incident was streamed live on Facebook long enough for nearly 50 people to watch and know what was going on. None of those nearly […]

What is Idling and What does it have to do with Cars?


The coldest days are behind us for the year here in Southern California, but Northern California is still colder and the North-East is still getting snow. It sure would be nice to go from a warm home into a warm car so we do not endure the cold weather too long, or at all. Unfortunately, […]

Unpaid Parking Tickets Could be Your Ticket to Jail


Paying a parking ticket a few days late is one thing, but it is another thing to let a bunch of unpaid parking and traffic violation tickets stack up. If you think the DMV and parking enforcement forgot about your unpaid, overdue parking ticket, you are wrong. They are waiting for you to pay it […]

California has Gun Storage Laws


California sets specific rules and laws for gun owners and how their guns are to be stored at home. They cannot just be left lying around! You would think this is common sense, but you would be surprised at how negligent some gun owners can be. If gun owners to do not comply with the […]

How Long can a Person be Detained by the Police


How long can the police hold a person without charging them? In many states, the police have a 72 hour window. In California, the police are allowed 48 hours to hold/ detain a person without charges being made. After 48 hours, if no charges are filed, then the police must release this person. In this […]

Finally… Street Vending Becomes Legal in Los Angeles


Los Angeles is known for many things: the Dodgers, the Lakers, Hollywood, sunshine, a melting pot of cultures, but it is also known for its less favorable qualities, like being a major U.S. city where street vending is illegal. At long last, those days are no more. The city council of Los Angeles voted unanimously […]

Consequences of Copyright Infringement


If you are one to stream music, movies, TV shows, and more creative content online, that in normal circumstances, you would pay for, are you doing it legally or illegally? There are certain sites that are legal, and many others that are illegal. Frankly, it is very easy to tell apart which sites are legal […]

Leave it to the Teams to Fight for a Win, Not the Fans


Sports games are supposed to be fun and exciting to watch. You root for your team to win and boo the other team. You go with friends and family to have a great time. So why do some people have to go and ruin the experience by getting into fights with other spectators? Most games […]