Tag Archives: cheapest bail bonds in lancaster

How Criminal Profiling Works

fast release bail bonds in lancaster

Criminal profiling has been around longer than you think. Interestingly enough, one of the most famous unsolved cases is credited for creating the idea of criminal profiling. Many believe that the first time profiling was used to attempt to find a killer was when Jack the Ripper was slaying young women in White Chapel. One […]

What Happens to a Passenger in a DUI Arrest?

california dui laws

The law is clear. If your blood alcohol level is 0.08% or higher and you’re pulled over, you’ll be charged with a DUI. What isn’t clear is what happens if you’re the drunk passenger in a vehicle that’s being operated by a drunk driver. The good news is that you can’t be charged with a […]

California DUIs in the New Year

california dui laws 2021

You should never get behind the wheel after you’ve been drinking. If you plan on drinking, you should plan on walking home or getting a ride from a sober driver. In the past, a DUI arrest could have a huge and negative impact on your life. It still will, but thanks to Assembly Bill 3234 […]

Can You Leave the Scene of an Accident

california hit and run laws

You’ve just been involved in an accident. As far as you can tell, it’s not a big deal. You barely bumped the other car’s back bumper. There can’t possibly be any damage to their car so surely it’s perfectly acceptable for you to simply drive around their car and get on with your day. Wrong. […]

Do The Police Have to Read the Miranda Rights to Juvenile Suspects

juvenile miranda rights

While the act of questioning and processing juveniles differs from adults, the actual arrest doesn’t differ for the two. It doesn’t matter if the police are dealing with an adult or a minor, the arresting officers must read the arrestee their Miranda Rights. What are the Miranda Rights Most people are familiar with the Miranda […]

Statutory Rape Laws and Charges

california statutory rape laws

What is Statutory Rape? Strictly speaking, statutory rape has nothing to do about sexual consent. In statutory rape cases, both parties are usually willing. These cases aren’t about the willingness of both partners but whether they’re able to cope with the emotional and physical ramifications that go hand in hand with a sexual relationship. According […]

The Long-Lasting Consequences of Drunk Driving in California

california dui laws

Like all other states, California has taken a hard stance on drunk driving. It isn’t tolerated. If you’re caught behind the wheel after having just a little too much to drink, you’ll face steep consequences that will have a major impact on the overall quality of your life. California’s Legal Limit California has different legal […]

Littering in California

california littering laws

California lawmakers want to keep the state’s environment nice so that future generations will enjoy a high quality of life in California. Strict anti-littering laws is one of the tools being used to protect the environment. What is Littering We should all be responsible for our trash and make sure it’s properly disposed of, but […]

When Will California Allow you to Leave Your Child Home Alone

california child neglect laws

There comes a point in every parent’s life when they ask themselves the question, “can I leave my child home alone?” Many parents assume that California has a law stating when a child is old enough to be left home alone, but that’s not the case. At this point, California lawmakers leave it up to […]

Preparing to be Bailed out of Jail

bail bonds in lancaster

No one wants to sit in jail any longer than absolutely necessary. Paying bail is the best way to get yourself released from jail so that you can start picking up the pieces of your life while also preparing your defense. In some cases, bail is determined by the charges filed against you. In other […]