Tag Archives: strange laws california

Wacky Laws That Actually Exist


Do you ever see something and wonder how it could have possibly come into existence? This is especially true with some laws. There are many strange laws out there. Many of them make you wonder what could have happened to make it necessary to create a law that prevents it from happening again. California is […]

Crazy and Dumb Laws from California and Beyond


Have you ever heard a rule so dumb, that you wondered how it even became a rule? Did you know that there are even some laws like that? There are laws in California that are so dumb, we wonder if they have ever actually been enforced. A few examples from within California are: Sunshine is […]

The Weirdest California Laws

● You cannot play with a frisbee at any Los Angeles beaches unless you get the lifeguard’s “okay.” ● Women may not drive while wearing a house coat. ● No vehicle without a driver can go more than 60 miles per hour. ● Animals may not mate in public if they are within 1,500 feet […]