Tag Archives: palmdale bail agents

Did You Know There Is a Difference Between Bail and Bail Bonds?


Many people do not realize that there is actually a difference between bail, and bail bonds. The difference between the 2 can equal out to a lot of money. Bail is determined by a judge, and it is the amount of money that needs to be paid in order for someone to be released from […]

A Bad Start to 2017 Will Not Ruin the Whole Year


Getting 2017 off to a bad start is not an indication that the rest of the year will go just as wrong. Sure, getting arrested was not how you imagined starting the New Year, but it happened and now you are going to have to deal with the situation and consequences. Thankfully, you are not […]

The Safe Way to New Year’s


You have probably got New Year’s Eve plans and you were probably invited to multiple parties. Whether you are going to one, or many, parties, we kindly urge you to not drive yourself. New Year’s Eve is perhaps one of the top 3 days where alcohol is consumed. We want to make sure you have […]

Find the Help You Need at Palmdale Bail Bondsman & Bail Bonds


In California, where people are arrested for various crimes, there are plenty of support systems for these people. Not only do defendants have their family and friends rooting for them, but defendants also have lawyers, coworkers, and even bail agents on their side. Palmdale Bail Bondsman & Bail Bonds is one of California’s top bail […]

New Year’s DUI Checkpoints


New Year’s is one of the top 3 times of the year where alcohol is consumed, and it is also one of the top times of the year that people will be out and about. Not surprisingly, the police will also be out and on duty, keeping a watchful eye for those who are driving […]

Family Is What Matters Most


Though you went through more stress this holiday season than years past, this is the happiest, Christmas season ever. This year, you were dumped with the sudden task of bailing a loved one out of jail. Despite the situation, Christmas ended up how it was always meant to, with the entire family home together. Christmas […]

The Difference between Pre and Post-Arrest Questioning


Pre-Arrest Questioning Since no one is being arrested, no Miranda warning is given. Post-Arrest Questioning The police read the arrestee their Miranda Rights; the right to remain silent and the right to a lawyer. These rights are to benefit the defendant, to protect him or herself, although they may waive these rights if they so […]

One of the Best: Palmdale Bail Bondsman & Bail Bonds


Welcome to Palmdale Bail Bondsman & Bail Bonds, a safe haven for many Californians who are in search of an easier and more affordable way to get their loved ones out of jail. Palmdale Bail Bondsman & Bail Bonds is one of the many bail bond companies in California, but one that clients can truly […]

“I Told You So” and Bail Bonds


There are two types of people: those who hate confrontation, and those who do not mind speaking up. Confrontation is awkward and uncomfortable, but at times, can be completely necessary. Have you ever stood up and confronted a good friend of yours because they are doing something seriously wrong and you want them to cut […]

Winter Break Driving Tips for College Students


Winter Break is a favorite of college students. Getting to go home to spend a few weeks with family and friends, and even getting to hit the slopes. It is all fun, and hopefully no school work. Many students who live away from home for college will be driving back home and others will book […]