Tag Archives: what is a bail bond

Why Does Bail Exist?

Bail exists to help balance the justice system. The purpose of bail is to let recently arrested defendants leave police custody and jail so they can return home to their loved ones and go back to work, spend time with family, and go about as much of their regular life as possible. It is not […]

What You Want from a Free Consultation

Any place that is going to give you a free consultation better mean it. Some places claim to offer free consultations but in small print, there are hidden fees or some kind of obligation. That is never something you want to unknowingly commit to, especially for a bail bond. Acton Bail Bond Store offers free […]

We Are Quick and Right to the Point

We do not want to waste your time, we know it is precious so we are going to get right to the point. Here at Lancaster Bail Bonds we offer the following: Customizable, low monthly rate payment plans. 24/7 availability anywhere in California. 0% interest bail bonds. No hidden fees. Convenient and secure online payment […]

Even People Who Can Afford Cash Bail Use Bail Bonds

Bail bonds are an alternative means to bailing out of jail, costing people 10% of the full bail amount. Understandably, this can be seen as a “poor man’s” option for bail because it is significantly cheaper. However, the truth of the matter is that literally, anyone can use bail bonds,even the wealthy 1%. Aside from […]

At Palmdale Bail Bond Store We Assist Our Clients in Using Their Right to Bail

Palmdale Bail Bond Store was founded on the belief that everyone has the right to bail. No one wants to spend time in jail, and no one wants their friend or family member to have to sit in jail either. With the help of the highly trained bail agents at Palmdale Bail Bond Store, we […]

Calm Down, You Know What to Do

Question: How do I know I found the right bail bonds company? Answer: Do research.Do not just commit to the first company you come across. Ask what they will charge you and how long it will take to get your loved one out of jail, and importantly, look at reviews on the company. Compare and […]

What to Know About Bail Bond Co-signing

Being a bail bond co-signer requires a lot of responsibility, but even more trust. Many bail bonds require a co-signer. So, what does this job entail? Here are our answers to the most common bail bond cosigner-related questions we receive. Question: Who can be a co-signer? Answer: Anyone who the defendant can get to be […]

What Kind of Bail Will Get My Loved One Out of Jail?

“Help! My loved one is in jail and I want to bail him or her out of jail ASAP, but what type of bail bond do I need? There are all these different kinds!” Palmdale Bail Bond Store is here to help break it down for you with the quickest, simplest description because we do […]

Can Bail Ever Be Lowered?

It is not often a judge will lower a bail amount after it has been formally announced,but every now and then it does happen.It happened recently for an Orange County, CA man: Henry Rodriguez. Rodriguez was arrested in 1998 for double murder and his bail was set at $1 million. Today, he is still in […]

Things You Should and Should Not Do In the Presence of the Police

Being on your best behavior should be obvious when you are in the presence of a police officer. If you do not have anything to hide, you do not want to give the police any reason to stare at you longer than a quick glance. When you are the actual subject of police officers, when […]